How To Easily Spot Depression In The Disabled

There’s no denying that being disabled can be more difficult to deal with than most people can even begin to realise. From not being able to perform certain functions to not having access to most places around the world, there are a lot of different reasons that a disabled person might begin to fall into the dark and endless pit that is clinical depression.

Depression is insidious in that it’s able to affect just about every aspects of our lives without us even knowing it, and many disabled people might not bring it up at the risk of being a burden to those around them. Any mental health issues, however, are extremely serious, and should be regarded as important as the physical problems that they suffer with. For those that want to try and keep on top of their own depression or the potential depression of loved ones, these are some of the most common symptoms.

Increasing Sleeping Problems

Those that have depression often begin to develop problems not just falling asleep, but maintaining their sleep cycles in a healthy way. Depression is often associated with a general lack of energy, as well as feelings of hopelessness, which can in turn lead to the person feeling fatigued for most of the day. And no matter how tired they may get, depression can also cause serious sleeping problems, especially if they get into the habit of sleeping throughout the day. Watch out for any differences in their sleeping patterns, such as acute insomnia.

Severe Anxiety

Anxiety is very closely associated with depression, and the one will often exacerbate the other, even if the person only had one to start with. Anxiety can also be much more telling than depression, as the symptoms are easier to stop and usually involve the person being visibility upset or completely overwhelmed by their environment. It’s important at this point to try and create lines of communication with the person that is suffering from anxiety, which can come in the form of increased heart rates, restlessness, panic, feelings of dread, and many more.

Changes in Appetite

Those that are having a difficult time maintaining their own inner hope will often lose their appetite, even for their favourite foods. It’s a common misconception that depression always leads to a person eating more to try and cope with how they are feeling – sometimes the complete opposite can happen. Appetite and weight loss are very common symptoms of depression and should be addressed as soon as possible to avoid the person causing themselves any long term bodily damage.

Thoughts of Suicide

For many, depression can be too much to handle, and their own minds might lead them to thoughts of suicide. This can be extremely serious, even if they convince those around them they are aren’t planning on doing anything. Providing support, both emotionally and in the forms of entertainment, such as spinning wheel, can make a big difference to someone that is battling.